This past week, I had the blessing of attending the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference, which I attend every year. It’s held on the campus of the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado, nestled in the midst of the Rocky Mountains. It’s a gorgeous location and an educational and spiritually uplifting time—not to mention full of fun and fellowship with friends I’ve seen before and friends I meet for the first time.

Usually, I attend the conference by myself. This year, since Timmy is still nursing, I had to take him with me. I must admit that I wasn’t entirely looking forward to doing so. For one thing, I felt disappointed that I wouldn’t have the time to myself. For another, I wasn’t sure how well Timmy would do with traveling to a new place and being off his normal schedule.

I needn’t have worried. Timmy was a marvelous traveler, and though his eating and sleeping habits became somewhat disrupted by the trip, he sailed through it all with a peaceful, relaxed demeanor and happy smiles. Many of my fellow faculty members, as well as the conferees, were blessed by having him there and getting to play with him and hold him. And I was pleasantly surprised not only at how well he did but at what a sweet time Timmy and I had together, so much so that I think next year will feel lonely without him.

Our Father is so creative and generous in thinking of ways to bless us. This time, He gave me the unexpected gift of sweet memories that will last forever. Other times, He gives me (and you) blessings as varied as the infinite expressions of His creativity. Why? Because He loves us. Because He delights in expressing His inventive ways to bless us. Because He enjoys giving us something beyond what we asked or imagined.

What He doesn’t enjoy, however, is when we take His blessings for granted. When we start seeing them as our right rather than our privilege. When the things He intends to delight and surprise us bring little more than a “that’s nice”.

Had I gone to Colorado with Timmy expecting that God owed me the wonderful trip we had, I wouldn’t have appreciated it nearly as much. It wouldn’t have been the sweet time of fellowship that it was. And instead of focusing on the unending delights with which God was blessing me, I probably would have focused on making sure God was living up to what He was “supposed” to do—and maybe even complained if He didn’t do it.

God owes us nothing. Nothing. Each and every gift we receive from Him is a blessing we don’t deserve. Feeling entitled brings nothing but discontent when we don’t receive what we believe we’re entitled to; feeling grateful brings delight and wonder. Wonder that Almighty God would love us so incredibly much. Wonder that He would be willing to continue to bless us despite our lack of merit. Wonder that He would give us anything at all.

Do you take God’s blessings for granted? Do you spend more time complaining about what God didn’t do for you than rejoicing in and thanking Him for what He did do? If so, don’t let that go on any longer. Repent, and be grateful. If you already are grateful, continue to rejoice in His bounty. Name His blessings one by one and give thanks.

You know how much you love giving gifts to your own children and having them go wide-eyed with amazement. God feels the same way.

Psalm 8:4—What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

Psalm 66:5—Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.